I am running in the TELUS team at Los Angeles for the center for children at Copaceni


Alex Padureanu Fundația HOSPICE Casa Speranței

100% Complete
360,000 RON
Donations raised
350,000 RON
I want to donate!

It’s going to be the second year in a row that we are lucky enough to have TELUS Day of Giving organized at the center that HOSPICE is developing at Copaceni.

Over 450 enthusiastic TELUS team members will be volunteering to make a change for the children we look after and for their families. It’s a ground breaking project and we couldn’t have had better partners.

TELUS is committing 80.000 euro for the project!!!!! Maybe we can add on to that.

Read the story below or recommend this campaign to your friends.

in benefit of

HOSPICE Casa Sperantei este o organizatie de caritate neguvernamentala infiintata la Brasov, in anul 1992, la initiativa britanicului Graham Perolls, cu scopul introducerii si dezvoltarii serviciilor specializate de ingrijire pentru bolnavii incurabili in stadii avansate. Este prima unitate de acest fel din Romania si centru de excelenta pentru Europa de Est, in domeniul ingrijirii paliative.

HOSPICE Casa Sperantei a inceput dezvoltarea unui centru socio-medical oferind educatie, suport si ingrijire complexa pentru pacienti si familiile lor.

Peste 25.000 de alergatori din cele 50 de state US si mai mult de 60 de tari vor lua startul pe 19 martie 2017 la LA de la Dodger Stadium pentru a-si indeplini visul personal de a trece linia de sosire in Santa Monica. Mai multe despre eveniment pe - http://www.lamarathon.com/    


1 Donations

TELUS International

360,000 RON
TELUS is committing 80.000 euro for the Copaceni project!!!!!
02 Feb 2017
Alex Padureanu : Fundația HOSPICE Casa Speranței
I am running in the TELUS team at Los Angeles for the center for children at Copaceni