I’m running the full marathon to celebrate life!


Camelia Deaconu Fundația HOSPICE Casa Speranței

86% Complete
430 RON
Donations raised
500 RON
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Hello Good People,


As many of you already know, in 2013 I lost my dad to his battle with cancer, but he will always be alive in my heart, mind and soul. He was the strongest person I have ever known, a force to be reckoned with! Whether he was in pain or not he always tried to show us that everything is under control. He was such a proud and private person. He never used the excuse he was sick. He had cancer but he did not let that define him. I am thankful for having such a role model to draw strength from. 


No words can describe how heartbreaking it is to lose someone you love and to not be able to help. I was really angry at this disease and what it does to people. It’s unbelievable how fast cancerous cells grow and spread into your body. I think about the time I could have spent with my dad but ignored it cause I thought everything was going to be ok...but it wasn't and I didn't know it was going to happen so quick. Saying “Goodbye” to him was the hardest thing I have ever done! I’m sure he can still hear me and he is watching over me everywhere I go. So, thank you Daddy for being my Guardian Angel and love you eternally!


Letting go of the ones we love is not easy, but one day you’ll arrive at the stage called acceptance and life begins to make sense again. The way I got there is by taking good care of myself, both mentally and physically. This terrible experience helped me appreciate health and value life.


On October 9th, I am running the Raiffeisen Bank Bucharest International Marathon for all cancer patients, to encourage them to stay strong, be empowered by their illness, embrace their battle and this journey and they too will cross their own finish line with pride.


I’m running to Finish cancer and celebrate life! None of us know what tomorrow holds so why not do what we can today to make life a little brighter for those we love and admire!

If you want to follow me and the HOSPICE Team in our mission to support people dealing with cancer, you have two options:

1) Participate in the run! You can sign up until the 25th of September! Here’s the link to the registration form (which is also available in English, French, German, Spanish, Finnish, Greek, Polish, Swedish) http://bucharest-marathon.com/en/registration/#

2) You can help me raise money. Simply check out my fund raising page (which is only in English, but you will get through, I am sure! ), decide which amount you would like to contribute and fill out the form.

Thanks a million for your support and see you at the finish line!


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in benefit of

HOSPICE Casa Sperantei este o organizatie de caritate neguvernamentala infiintata la Brasov, in anul 1992, la initiativa britanicului Graham Perolls, cu scopul introducerii si dezvoltarii serviciilor specializate de ingrijire pentru bolnavii incurabili in stadii avansate. Este prima unitate de acest fel din Romania si centru de excelenta pentru Europa de Est, in domeniul ingrijirii paliative.

HOSPICE Casa Speranței oferă servicii de îngrijire paliativă copiilor și adulților care suferă de boli incurabile. Serviciile sunt oferite în centre de zi, ambulatorii și unități proprii pentru internare din Brașov și București, la domiciliul pacienților și în spitalele partenere. Întregul sprijin al fundației este gratuit și oferit necondiționat bolnavilor și familiilor acestora, indiferent de condiția materială, starea socială și mediul din care provin pacienții. HOSPICE este o casă, un refugiu și un simbol care ne amintește tuturor că nu suntem singuri și că ne putem alia pentru a crea clipe de normalitate, atunci când până și lucrurile banale ajung să fie facute cu un efort uluitor.

Team HOSPICE la Maratonul Raiffeisen Bank București 2016 Aleargă pe 9 octombrie 2016 la Maratonul București în Team HOSPICE, echipa în care suntem cu toții pe primul loc. În Team HOSPICE nu concurăm unii împotriva celorlalți, ci alergăm cu toții pentru o cauză comună: susținerea serviciilor de îngrijire paliativă a copiilor și adulților care înfruntă o boală incurabilă și


8 Donations


100 RON
06 Oct 2016


100 RON
Gooooo Cami!!!
27 Sep 2016
Nimic nu e mai imbucurator decat sa vezi tineri care se implica in viata comunitatii, sub orice forma ar fi! Exista speranta! Succes, Cami!
15 Sep 2016
14 Sep 2016
Felicitari, Cami!
14 Sep 2016
13 Sep 2016
My spirit will be with you ;)
13 Sep 2016
19 Aug 2016
Camelia Deaconu : Fundația HOSPICE Casa Speranței
I’m running the full marathon to celebrate life!